A Patient-Centered Approach to Skin Care.

Combine the power of VisualDx with Aysa's personalized guidance to empower your patients with the right skin health information.

Why Aysa?

Improve health literacy.

With personalized guidance on over 200 common skin conditions, Aysa arms patients with the best information to take charge of their health.

Reduce the burden on dermatology.

Rashes can be scary. With the snap of a picture and a few follow up questions, Aysa can best triage the skin issue.

Get trusted results.

Build on the VisualDx platform that is used in over 2,300 hospitals and by physicians around the world, patients will be satisfied and engaged throughout the process.

Bridging the patient and provider experience.

Combine the diagnostic power of VisualDx with Aysa's personalized guidance to bring precision to the point of care and empower your patients.

For the Patient

How it works

  • Snap a photo of the affected skin to be analyzed by Aysa.
  • Answer a few follow-up questions such as, “does it itch?” or “Do you have a fever?”
  • See results featuring various conditions that match your symptoms.
  • Receive personalized guidance on next steps.

For the Provider


  • Augmented intelligence to enhance skill-set
  • Better understand and treat skin conditions
  • Improved referrals and patient care
  • Covers over 3,000 diagnoses
  • Includes 41,000 medical images
  • Providers can use guided work-ups, access therapy and best test recommendations, and more

What our customers say:

"While spending time with family this summer, I noticed a large red spot on the area around my thumb. Obviously, I was concerned and didn’t know what it could be. My cousin suggested we use Aysa to learn more. He took a picture of the spot, I answered a few questions, and then the App gave me some possibilities. First on the list was something called a lime rash that looked exactly what I had on my hand. After reading more, I realized I did get lime juice around my thumb a week prior from squeezing a lime into a drink. Aysa correctly identified the rash on my hand and put my mind at ease before visiting a dermatologist."


Schedule a demo today!

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