Meet the Team: Nate

Role: Product owner

Hometown: Rochester, NY

How long have you been with VisualDx? Since April 2019

Describe your typical workday: Daily standups, gathering and documenting product requirements, creating user surveys, doing market research, and analyzing product usage data.

Things you’ll find in my workspace/office: Snacks, a cortado, and tons of Post-its.

Recent great read: Kitchen Confidential by Anthony Bourdain

Favorite place on earth: Paris

Currently binge-watching: Dark

First job: Tim Horton’s drive-thru

Favorite way to unwind: Playing basketball, playing golf, or cooking.

What’s something you want to do in the next year that you’ve never done before? Travel to a new country

Favorite part about working at VisualDx: The people and the company culture!

VisualDx wouldn’t be possible without a talented and committed team of people working behind the scenes. This is our way of introducing and celebrating the unique people behind VisualDx.

Want to join Nate and the rest of the team at VisualDx? Click here to see all current job openings.

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