Skin Health and Self-Care: A Mental Wellness Perspective

There is a booming trend of self-care across several social media platforms. What once was the era of makeup artists has now been replaced with influencers sharing their take on skin care routines. The skin is the largest organ in our body, with a long list of impressive functions that are crucial in maintaining a healthy body.

One of the primary sensations that we attribute to the skin is our sense of touch. Physical touch can hurt or heal, highlighting the impact that skin has on our mental wellbeing. When seeking comfort, one way we might this is by through contact with another human being (a hug, handholding, etc.). This may seem trivial, but think about what you would do if you couldn’t sense a hug from a loved one or the coziness of a blanket. Our sense of touch has the power to make us feel better.

Cosmetics are a multibillion-dollar industry. The pressure that society places on the appearance of our skin is immense, and it undoubtedly affects an individual’s mental health. The impact of skin disease can be significant, often carrying stigma associated with visible skin disorders.

Several studies have outlined the intersection between increased rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders in patients who suffer from skin disorders such as psoriasis, eczema, and cutaneous lymphomas, among others. Recognizing the deep connection between mental and skin health is vital in providing holistic care.

Some mental health conditions directly manifest on the skin, such as those with body dysmorphic disorder, somatoform disorder, and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Dermatologists should be able to recognize the signs and symptoms of mental health conditions in patients who come to their clinic and collaborate with psychiatrist or therapist to improve the overall quality of life.

Healing our mental health and healing our skin health should be considered in tandem. The skin can sometimes be an indicator of our emotional health and we should work on listening to what our skin is trying to tell us. Our feelings or self-worth and mental wellbeing should be more than skin deep.

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