Ebola Virus Disease

Public Health Resources


Links to public health guidelines and protocols for cases of suspected or known Ebola virus disease including patient evaluation and monitoring, precautions and personal protection equipment, patient care considerations, and diagnostic tests.

Possible Ebola Virus Disease: Evaluation and Management in the Emergency Department

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) triage recommendations for Emergency Departments: Identify, Isolate, Inform.

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

CDC guidance on PPE use for healthcare workers during management of patients with Ebola virus disease in US hospitals, including procedures for donning and doffing.

Collecting and Handling Specimens

CDC protection guidelines for specimen collection and laboratory testing.

Environmental Infection Control in Hospitals

CDC guidelines for environmental infection control in hospitals, including cleaning and disinfection recommendations. The EPA provides a list of registered disinfectants for use against Ebola virus.

Additional CDC Information Resources for Healthcare Workers and Settings

Disease information, guidance documents, diagnostic tools, and job aids to help clinicians safely identify and care for patients with Ebola virus disease. US healthcare settings include Emergency Department, Ambulatory Care, Hospitalized Patient Care, Medical Transport, Laboratory, and Environmental Infection Control. Non-US settings include Community Infection Control and Healthcare Facilities in countries with widespread Ebola transmission.