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Contributors: Shea A. Nagle MPH, David Sullo MD, Abhijeet Waghray MD, Eric Ingerowski MD, FAAP
Other Resources UpToDate PubMed


Hypospadias is a congenital malformation of the penis characterized by displacement of the urethra on the ventral surface or perineum beyond the normal location. Hypospadias can be associated with chordee, or curvature of the penis. The degree of curvature can vary greatly by case and is usually ventral.

Hypospadias is one of the most common male genital anomalies, second only to undescended testes. Abnormal development of the penis may be due to gene mutations, estrogenic exposure, androgenic stimulation, or developmental arrest. Reports suggest maternal exposure to certain chemicals, detergents, cosmetics, and pesticides may be causative. Approximately 90% of cases are isolated and without associated genetic disorders. While most cases are isolated, hypospadias with undescended testes is associated with numerous disorders of sex development and warrants a karyotype study.

Hypospadias may cause problems with urinary stream control, an increased risk of urinary tract infections, erectile dysfunction, and problems with semen flow, resulting in infertility.

Depending on the severity and location of the urethral opening, neonatal circumcision is not recommended prior to surgery, as the foreskin may be used in reconstruction.


Q54.9 – Hypospadias, unspecified

416010008 – Hypospadias

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Last Reviewed:07/01/2019
Last Updated:07/01/2019
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A medical illustration showing key findings of Hypospadias : Present at birth
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