Froelich syndrome

A rare endocrine disorder that is characterized by obesity, hypogonadism, and growth retardation. Due to changes in secondary sex characteristics that result from the impaired function of hypothalamic neurons that regulate pituitary hormone secretion and energy homeostasis. Commonly seen in those with sella tumors or hypothalamic lesions.
Patients exhibit hyperphagia, polydipsia, and polyuria. Thought to be acquired, and appears in males more frequently than in women.
Distinguish between primary hypogonadism and secondary hypogonadism for accurate diagnosis. Can resemble the genetic disorder Prader-Willi syndrome.
Patients exhibit hyperphagia, polydipsia, and polyuria. Thought to be acquired, and appears in males more frequently than in women.
Distinguish between primary hypogonadism and secondary hypogonadism for accurate diagnosis. Can resemble the genetic disorder Prader-Willi syndrome.
E23.6 – Other disorders of pituitary gland
62999006 – Adiposogenital dystrophy
E23.6 – Other disorders of pituitary gland
62999006 – Adiposogenital dystrophy
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Last Updated:09/09/2015