Nevus comedonicus in Child

Approximately one-half of cases are present at birth, with most other cases appearing by 10-15 years of age. Rarely does it present in adulthood. Lesions generally present on the face, neck, upper arms, chest, and abdomen. NC is asymptomatic, and growth usually occurs during puberty. Two subtypes exist: a nonpyogenic type and a type associated with the formation of cysts, pustules, and abscesses. NC lesions may be complicated by large cysts, bacterial superinfection, chronic inflammation, and scarring.
NC syndrome refers to NC presenting in combination with extracutaneous manifestations, which may include central nervous and skeletal system anomalies as well as abnormalities associated with teeth and eyes, most commonly cataracts.
Q82.5 – Congenital non-neoplastic nevus
35962006 – Nevus comedonicus
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Last Updated:01/20/2022